
3D printing can't be that hard...

I just stood up on Saturday and built a 3D printer. That was fun. Actually, I only built one axis and I still have to order a plastic extruder, but- it worked! See, someone had given me a piece of wood for my birthday, and I had no idea what to do with it. Finally, I decided to build said printer, which I had been thinking about for a while.

Photo by Daniel
I’ve tried before with Lego NXT, but the motors are hard to mount; so I hooked up a stepper motor to a BASIC stamp which I had previously programmed to drive it (the Arduino will come later), and it worked on the first try! Amazing. Anyways, I shall continue building, perhaps with modifications for speed (the leadscrew method that I am using right now is very slow and somewhat jerky), and try to get a first print soon.

Photo by Daniel
This entire project is based off of the RepRap, a project dedicated to making a self-replicating 3D printer. More specifically, it’s a jury-rigged WolfStrap (a RepStrap is a temporary RepRap built in order to make plastic pieces for a RepRap). The original German manufacturing seems a bit better than mine, but I tried. I hope this works; I guess we’ll see.

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