
Biomimetics:The Science of Nature Copying

Hi, this is Miles, I am working on this blog in promotion of a magazine I am making in a class I am currently taking. All of my blog posts will hopefully be relevant to anyone wishing to read the magazine, which is about DIY technology and other things that people may find interesting. This is just something I find interesting and i think a lot of other people will too.Inventing is something done mainly humans. This is also true for innovation. At least, that is what our opinion has been for as long as we can remember. Recently In the engineering and science community there has been an ,almost, revolution in thinking about how to engineer. This has come from a realization that we are not the only innovator on this planet. We have realized the we haven't even been making the best or most efficient things. Realizing this, we looked to something far older and far more widespread than us, Nature. This science, for it is a science, is called Bio-mimicry. Engineers and scientists have started looking at what adaptations living things have evolved, and been attempting mimic them. some of the more notable innovations that Bio-mimicry has produced are solar panels modeled like leaves on every level so as to allow for maximum efficiency and found very specific texture from shark skin that just does not let bacteria latch on. One other thing that has been studied is the blue Morpho butterfly.
image obtained from wikipedia

By studying its wing structure on a cellular level we found a structure that gives exceptionally brilliant coloring. Needless to say the advancements that we have obtained from bio-mimetics research has been very beneficial in a wide variety of fields and places. The possibilities that this field opens are numerous and I personally find it to be an extremely interesting field. If you want to learn more you can go to here and read up on it.

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