

Recently I have been trying to hook up a mic to an Arduino, though this is proving to be more complex than other sensors that I have used in the past, such as photo resistors and potentiometers. I have not been getting any output at all when hooking it up through the method I previously used. (Power and input on one side of the sensor, ground on the other side) Thus, I tried hooking it up to an LM386 mic, though I still got no output. I then found an electret mic that was already prepared with an amp for the AUD, GND, and VCC ports. This specific product, however, had some negative reviews. Thus, I am currently in the process of hooking up my current mic to this prepared mic's equivalent diagram.

Ultimately I want to incorporate this into an entirely different project, a Guy Manuel Daft Punk helmet, though I don't expect to complete this project for quite some time. This project is proving to be quite the hassle, I've been working on it for a few months now and I still haven't finished the master model... The original replica that I'm basing mine off of took over a year.


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